Tag Archive | cravings

Breaking Down Those Cravings

Healthier Starbucks Options! For caffeine and sugar cravings!



List of Cravings and what you actually need! Will have to try this out!

Fighting those Killer Cravings…

Hey All!!

Happy Friday!

Hope all of you have great plans in line for this coming weekend. I don’t know about all of you, but my week has dragged along and I’m really looking forward to enjoying these few days!

I woke up this morning with some killer cravings: Sweet Tooth Alert!

I went to bed not ‘stuffed’ so in my mind that means ‘I’m hungry’ and this is just an ongoing battle that I’ve been fighting since day one. So, as the usual routine goes, I’ll go get an ice cold glass of water or two and just try and satisfy that urge that way instead of shoveling unnecessary crap in my mouth. And it worked.. Or so I thought.

As soon as I dragged myself out of bed and started packing my lunch for the day I got this sudden urge to have something sweet. I’m envisioning everything from cheesecake to chocolate cake, tapioca pudding, a red velvet cupcake with creamy, cheesecake frosting, hot chocolate, cookies, etc. You name it and I wanted it! lol

I grabbed a Fit & Active 100 calorie Chocolate Chip Crisps snack out of the cabinet as I left. When I got to work I just sat it on my desk and it was like taunting me. I didn’t want to eat it unless I absolutely couldn’t stand not eating it. So then an hour went by and I opened it and then decided to only have a few. And they were good, somewhat satisfying, but they weren’t a freaking gooey, delicious cupcake…

Hadn’t had my coffee because I was craving hot chocolate too on top of everything else.. So my only other solution was to go on Pinterest and waste my time distracting myself. Well, that didn’t work either because we all know what’s on there… Yummy Foods. I saw a recipe that was creating something from Starbucks and it made something click..

Starbucks + Sweet Tooth Cravings = Danger?!

In all actuality, it was the best idea. Starbucks is practically a sweet treat/dessert in a cup. I looked up their low fat/skinny options and decided to get a  Tall, Non-Fat (skim milk), Mocha (only 2 pumps of chocolate syrup). Only 100 or so calories and the funny thing is that I didn’t even drink the whole thing! It’s 12 ounces and I couldn’t even get more than half of it down… Coffee and Chocolate. Girls best friend?  Perhaps.


Problem Solved.




June 28th As Britney Would Say, Oops I did it Again



Morning All! Today started off with an exciting little vibe because of what the day entailed. Started off with a little bit too tasty Starbucks that I’m sure I’ll regret later on, as usual. Had a busy day at work, rushing around to do a lot of exciting things that made today feel like a Friday.. Didn’t have too much of an appetite today, but I did have some overindulgences.

We had a ‘Meet the intern’ Happy Hour and I definitely embarrassed myself. It was rough, but I didn’t have any drinks which was a plus. Then I went to get a good workout in, swimming up a storm. Managed to make it home and cooked some delicious dinner that was on the healthier side than most. Got ice cream and then ruined the ‘healthiness’. As Britney would say, Oops I did it again. I swear I’m never going to get this shit under control. I haven’t looked at the scale for a day and I’m not going to for a while I think. I’m starting to obsess and I don’t want this to get out of control.


I swam for 38 minutes total today. First, I did 15 minutes doing full laps in the pool, alternating freestyle and breaststroke. Then, I tread water for 23 minutes. Glad I was able to increase my total time for once! That’s kind of a big deal, if we’re looking at the positives here? Burned a total of 476 calories. Neat-o!


According to my Calorie Counter App I burned over 2,845 calories and consumed 1,159 for the day. Breakfast started off with a whole grain bagel, two clementines, and spent money on a Starbucks iced coffee but couldn’t even drink any of it. Lunch was minimal, baby carrots and ranch, red peppers, blueberries, and Greek yogurt. Dinner was grilled chicken breast with seasoning, lots of peas, rice and red beans, and cucumber salad. I did have a snack of some TLC crackers at work, and cheddar cheese cubes. And then after dinner…. Some ice cream. Yikes!

June 26th Cupcakes, Lettuce Turkey Wraps, Tortillas, OmmNomm..



Today started off very fun and exciting! I got into the office and a few hours later I was sent on a ‘secret mission’ to go and pick something up from another office downtown. It really wasn’t anything exciting, just a comp’d product for a project that was being presented. Well I had two options, I could either go and walk there or take the bus/trolley. I decided to walk for a few reasons. The first, because it was beautiful! It was a cooler day! And I was happy to be outside of the office and get some fresh air rather than being couped up in a bus or something. And of course, lets not forget how satisfying it is to put in your exercise acitivity on Calorie Counter…. Let me answer that for you, very satisfying.

After I left the company I walked to this place I had been talking to my colleagues about for a few weeks or so. It was right on the way back from the office which made it too serendipitous to pass up. It’s Called Colossal Cupcakes and it’s in downtown Cleveland and I decided to be the awesome office-mate who brought some mid-morning breakfast for my mentor, the other guy in the office, and the two girls who took me out to lunch and dinner and didn’t let me pay. I think a delicious baked treat is better than a boring thank you card? Eh, it’s arguable, but if you check out my twitpic you can see how AMAZING they really were! Shoot! I do have to confess that I was so proud of myself and how portion conscious I was … I don’t like frosting to begin with, but I only at the cake of the cupcake haha sorry frosting lovers… what are ya gonna do?

So, a welcomed reception of smiling faces with cupcakes in hand was what I found myself encountering when I got back to the office. Yay! Then I plugged in a cupcake to my calorie counter and that kinda made me cringe, but the thing was, I had already eaten it and I’m starting to get to the point of if I see how many calories something is, I won’t eat it, and damnit, after yesterdays workout I think I could spare some chocolate cake-iness.

Lunch was another ‘my version’ of a turkey wrap aka Jimmy John’s Unwich. Hey, I’m hooked, at least its a healthy craving right? Then worked out/swam/tread water… And then had  a dinner date with family.

My stepmom invited me over because she had to give me keys for the house since they were going out of town and I would be house sitting and dog sitting for a bit. She made her home made tortillas. So I also watched how much and what I ate. Measured out my sour cream portions and cheese. The rice and chicken same, but the good thing is that she makes them spicy/hot so that’s great for your metabolism! Pretty good healthy choices?

And when I told you guys that my life literally revolved around food and what I eat, today is a perfect example of the truth behind it. Sad, but true.


I swam for 26 minutes total today. First, I did 16 minutes doing full laps in the pool, alternating freestyle and breaststroke. Then, I tread water for 10 minutes. Planning on upping the time each session I go or depending on how I’m feeling. Today was not my strongest suite for swimming however, and they had to close down the lap lanes because of a class that comes in… So that’s why I swam for such a short time. And treading does get boring after a while if there’s no one else around unfortunately.


According to my Calorie Counter App I burned over 2,796 calories and consumed 828 for the day. Breakfast started off with a delicious and guilt ridden cupcake, apple sauce, and clementines. Lunch was a home made version of my favorite (Jimmy John’s Turkey Tom Unwich). I had some baby carrots and a little bit of ranch and added some spinach to the turkey lettuce wrap. Dinner was my stepmom’s home made tortillas that I had to control what I ate and how much of it.. So hard to do. Didn’t do horribly for the day however, which is a plus.

June 24th Supreme Sunday..



Today was the typical summer Sunday. Nothing monumental, no thrilling news to report. I worked at the pool, worked out, overindulged in some foods that I shouldn’t have and cleaned which could be easily constituted as a short workout in itself. Was impressed with the bit of working out I did at the pool. As promised, I tried the water jogging and damn it’s a actually a good workout. I ended up burning a lot of calories and my legs were fatigued, more than usual after just a regular swimming workout.

I went over my friends house who was having their family over to help paint the outside of the house… So you know how much work that is….. And I went over after lifeguarding, after working out, after being in the lovely weather, just being hungry for dinner in general. And this is where I find myself in a troubled spot of friends, food, and fighting the cravings. AGAIN. This is a bad trend that really needs to stop. The only downside to today was me giving into my cravings. Killer cravings of those delicious carbohydrates, of the pizza variety, that make my mouth water and stomach do backflips. Woof. I did, had some ‘supreme’ pizza. Savored every bite too. GRRRRR.

So then when I got home, I decided to clean the bathroom. And when I say ‘clean’ I mean purify and cleanse… I went all out. What sparked this, I don’t really know, but I’m starting to notice that I have problems with just sitting around at home and not doing anything. It’s like I’m turning into my mother and criticizing and judging myself for just sitting there like a bum. Like a big ‘ol bump on a log. Fuck. I guess I’m growing up, if you want to call it that? So I got the bleach spray out, pre soaked the bath tub, took all the shampoos and soaps out and got the whole damn tub. Then, the sink, counter top, mirror, toilet, the wooden ledge around everything. I dusted, scrubbed, polished? whatever, you name it and I did it. Final touch, I vacuumed the floor, then I grabbed the good ol’ bucket of bleach and sudz and got a scrubbing brush, rubber gloves and went to town on the tiles. Let’s just say that my mom didn’t feel it necessary to have the air conditioning on, so it was literally a workout. I was dripping aka pouring with sweat. So, Mom, thank you for that and you’re welcome… for cleaning haha


I swam for 26 minutes doing full laps in the pool, alternating freestyle and breaststroke. Burned 300+ Calories. Water jogged for 20 minutes. Burned 200+ calories for that. I did lifeguard for a five hour shift, which burned 1,181 calories. However, sometimes I don’t necessarily consider that exercise.


According to my Calorie Counter App I burned over 3,515 calories and consumed 1,386 for the day. FOOD! CRAVINGS! FU*#. I had a decently healthy breakfast; Oatmeal with honey and a Starbucks coffee. Lunch was super healthy and great also, had a Jimmy John’s Turkey Tom Unwich, bananas, clementines, and carrots with ranch. But when I met up with my friends they had ordered a shit ton of pizza, breadsticks and pop. Well, guess what, I gave into FriendFoodPressure and ate some damn pizza. and breadsticks. and had SOME pop. Not a lot, but enough to say that I cracked… willingly too 😦 Disappointed.

June 23rd I’m a Swimming and Craving Giving In Fool..



First day of the weekend. Didn’t sleep in too late, but getting up was a bit more of a struggle than when I usually jump right out of bed… Had to lifeguard the day shift indoors which was nice for the most part. I was most excited about being at the pool to swim and do a pool workout. I love switching up my routine because I definitely get more excited about it and it keeps me really motivated.

Also, a few girls at the pool were talking about water jogging as a workout. Now, until I really listened to what they were saying and observed some of the older women doing it, I didn’t realize how good of a workout it might actually be. Not only because it’s similar to running in general, but you’ve got a water belt on so it forces you to stabilize your core and constantly keep moving or you can sink. Which led me to think of another good workout, more or less back to basics, but just simply treading water would burn up a ton of calories and not to mention, it’s a great total body workout. So for my next water workout, I’m going to tackle water jogging and some treading down the road!

I ate so healthy all day!! Super proud of myself, fighting cravings for bad food choices and staying on top of my portions. But then after work I ended up going out with some friends and that’s when the peer pressure aka friendly food pressure turned ugly. We went to Chipotle. Bad idea, instantly. Because I didn’t plan to eat THAT MUCH and THAT MANY CALS for dinner. Honestly, I was mad at myself. I was pissed because I couldn’t finish what I was eating, like I’m wasting money, and not to mention I can exactly calculate how many bites of what that I’m eating so I could be way over on my Calorie Counter App… Fudge. Then, the final deal breaker. Ice Cream. Ugh, sinfully delightful yet hit the spot. It really is a never ending battle with food. Dear Lord, Grant me the strength.


I swam for 26 minutes doing full laps in the pool, alternating freestyle and breaststroke. Didn’t feel like I was completely out of breath and tired like last week when I was sick, so that’s a plus. I did lifeguard for a five hour shift, which burned 1,181 calories. However, sometimes I don’t necessarily consider that exercise.


According to my Calorie Counter App I burned over 3,374 calories and consumed 1,530 for the day. Well, today’s food choices were not much better than yesterdays… Breakfast was frosted mini wheats with fat free milk, the usual. Lunch was cooked broccoli, baby carrots and ranch dressing, clementines. Then at the pool I had Pomegranate juice, my version of a turkey Unwich, which consisted of turkey lunch meat, tomatoes, sprouts, cucumbers, and romaine lettuce. I wrapped a few up and ate them individually. They were pretty small but the calories added up towards the end of the night… When I decided to get Chipotle AND Ice Cream for dinner. I’m so dumb.  I got a burrito bowl, didn’t get the burrito wrap from hell thats 300+ calories. Didn’t suck the whole thing down. Good choice. But then I fucked it up and got ice cream. Damn cravings.

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