Tag Archive | Water Jogging

Saturday July 21st & Sunday July 22nd Daily

FITspiration When in doubt, work it out. Saturday Still taking it one day at a time for now. Woke up semi-early today and had this really bad craving for biscuits and sausage/gravy. So I went to the store after having looked up ‘healthy’ alternatives and found that by using whole grain/whole wheat rolls as well […]

July 14th Saturday Splurge



Getting up for work this morning was a little rough. More or less woke up on the wrong side of the bed and knowing I had to work 11 hours kind of put a damper on the day. First thoughts – Definitely sore, wondering what type of recovery workout I wanted to do/combination of some type of swimming. Next thoughts, food – I ended up having plans with my grandparents in between my double shift at the pool and I was absolutely looking forward to it!

I worked from 8:30-1 at the indoor pool. Didn’t want to get all soggy and nasty (my hair) before lunch, so I did some hardcore water jogging. Let me just say people, that you may only see my head above the water bobbing around, but you should see what the other half of my body is doing under the water. It’s a good workout. Probably the best ‘Rest & Recovery’ workout known to man? Well, that’s a bit of a lie… Anywho, on to lunch!

Lunch Date

Grandparents spoil me, I’m going to be completely honest. And you won’t hear me complaining.

We headed to this place close by the pool called Sweet Melissa’s. It is a pastry & bakery, restaurant, and a bar. They have been renovated a few times, but honestly I haven’t gone back since high school and boy do they have it right! Their menu is mouth watering with just reading the details! It was so hard to eat healthy and keeping in mind that I couldn’t go overboard since I still had to work night shift and a pool party and save some calories for dinner as well.

I decided on a cup of delicious Lobster Bisque, a Cobb Salad with steak, and a (teeny, tiny, baby) yeah right, Red Velvet Cupcake. And damn was it all good! The only aside to going out to eat with my grandparents is that we all try each other’s food and that more or less means that I ate waaay much more than I wanted. I had some of my Grandpa’s Lobster Ravioli, 3 to be exact, a shrimp, and a bite of my Grandma’s rice and Scallop. Yes, so so, good but bad!

Dinner was a quick run to the grocery store. I planned out what I was going to eat as I was walking around (like a weirdo) with my Calorie Counter App  trying to not over budget my calories for the day.

Now, I did go to the store after I had lunch so I didn’t think I’d buy too much. I was wrong. I don’t know what got into me, I always buy food like I’m a starving child that hasn’t eaten in days. Which is challenging and disappointing at times, not only for my diet but my wallet too. I bought a Whole Wheat Omega bagel, a few slices of turkey, a slice of swiss cheese both from the deli, a whole container of watermelon and another of strawberries from their fresh salad bar, and then a salad with sprouts, spinach, some bleu cheese, peas, edamame, and dressing just in case.

Headed back to the pool and swam before my shift started. Worked from 3:30-10:15 since there was a pool party after hours. Which in all honesty wasn’t bad. They had ordered ‘too much’ Domino’s pizza (my favorite) and I ended up getting to eat some before I headed home.

All in all, it was a decent day. Worked, played, worked out, spent time with the family. Could have eaten a bit smarter, but it’s progressing bit by bit.


At the pool all day! Water jogged for 30 minutes, burned 300+ calories, swam for 32 minutes, burned 400+ calories, and  lots of walking throughout the day burned over 100+ calories.. No exact measurement for that one.


According to my Calorie Counter App I burned over 3,097 calories and consumed 1,477 for the day. Started off the day with too much for breakfast. I really didn’t think about how much I would be eating throughout the rest of the day. I had a clementine, milk, oatmeal with brown sugar, a banana, and an english muffin. Lunch was the lobster bisque and cobb salad from Sweet Melissa’s and not to forget about the red velvet cupcake. Dinner was a clementine, watermelon, strawberries, a pickle, slice of swiss cheese, turkey, a bagel, cucumber, sprouts, peas and edamame, spinach, and some leftover pizza.

I know for a fact I went over budget with my calories. I know the portions had to be off and there are some bits I forgot to add to my log before I posted.

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